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May 3, 2012


start smillig from now......

smile is oe of the most beautifull thing in the world. with a smille make theatmosphere of a cozy, peacefull , and pleasant. there is a saying , that it makes us to be healty, because wuth a smille or laugh tto make the muscles n our body is not tense. blood circulation  is also more smoothly.smilling  make our mind get rit strees due from daily activity. a smille need wheen we met our friends ,family, teachers , adn others. there is also saying that , for muslims, the smille is part of the charity. in the regilio of islam , it is highly recomended smile when meeting with anyone. then more to say  that, smile reflects the happiness, it means someone who is smilling ,who is happy. there also people who smile but ttheir heart is actually  sad. after all, that smile is good thing. provided it does not smile too much, because you can think crazy.... hehehe.....:)

so , start smilling from now...!

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